Cass Pulaski Community Corrections is excited to announce the launch of our new website-! In collaboration with Cass County Pretrial Services, we began the project of creating an interactive website that serves as a resource for attorneys, clients, and the community this past March and are excited to now share it with everyone. Some notable features include:
Online Community Corrections Application: Attorneys and Clients can now complete their community corrections application online or on their smartphone or tablet. Information collected is secure and sent directly to our intake department for review.
Community Recovery Bulletin Board: A central place to promote and share local addiction and recovery events and resources with our clients and the community. Community partners are highlighted and featured, such as Four County and 4th Dimension.
Resource Guide: A central resource hub for clinics that includes links to community resources, such as food pantries and employment agencies, live-streamed court hearings, virtual recovery groups, links to court pay fees, look up hearings and more.
Cass County Pretrial Services and Cass County Juvenile Probation also have dedicated pages that include program information, resources and reports.
Other features include an in-depth look at the therapeutic programming offered at our facility, community service projects, annual reports and advisory board minutes, interactive calendar, and more.
Check back frequently for additions and new features includes a FAQ section, program updates, virtual facility tour and more!