After completing our certification review with the IOCS, Indiana Office of Court Services, on September 8, 2021, we are excited to announce that we received our Provisional Certification on October 1, 2021, with full certification expected after 6 months.

Cass County is the 11th County in Indiana to receive State Certification. The Board of Directors of the Judicial Conference of Indiana adopted the Pretrial Services Rules in December of 2019. Counties who are voluntarily certified show compliance with the Indiana Pretrial Rules and best practices outlined in IC 35-33-8 and CR Rule 26. I want to thank everyone for their support and participation in the certification process and to all who have contributed to program, both locally and at the State Level. It is my goal and hope that this accomplishment will help continue open doors for ways for us to expand services and our contribution to the community.
Hillary L. Hartoin
Court & Pretrial Services Director
To read more about the Cass County Pretrial Release Program click here.