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Cass County Jail Sees First Inmates Graduate ACCI eCourse Program!


In early February the Cass County Jail, launched the ACCI LikeSkills Link eLearning Program. Used by Pretrial Services and Community Corrections, ACCI LikeSkills Link is a validated, EBP & CBT program that includes over 15 interactive courses, averaging 10-15 hours long, including Substance Abuse, DUI, Domestic Violence and Cognitive Awareness. “Lifeskills Link is a system of collaboration and accountability. It provides intelligent insights into each students experience which informs targeted intervention and cognitive-behavioral skill development. The curriculum is built on our evidence-based model of cognitive behavior therapy together with our unique self- directed learning approach which has proven to help students and clients overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.

We are excited to announce that we already have seen two inmates complete over 15 hours of coursework and earn their certificates. Inmates can work on multiple courses throughout their time at the jail and we currently have 3 participants, with hopes of expanding soon. Sheriff Ed Schroder presented each graduate with the certificate stating, “We want you to learn skills that keep you from coming back here and do well in the community.” The Cass County Jail hopes to expand this program by seeking funding for additional tablets and is targeting those serving a sanction on a violation of Community Corrections or Pretrial Release, in addition to those awaiting transfer to Work Release, however, anyone can participate. The goal is for inmates to complete core programming that reduces recivisdism while awaiting sentencing or transfer to another program such as Community Corrections.

ACCI is not the first and only program offered in the Cass County Jail. In addition to an HSE program, the Cass County Sheriff’s Department, in collaboration with 4C Health and Court Services, launched the Jail Therapy Program in 2021, targeted towards inmates with substance abuse disorders. Curriculum includes WRAP, Wellness Action Recovery Plan, and MORE, My On Going Recovery, relapse prevention programs aimed at assisting transition back into the community with groups for both women and men and individual counseling.

Pictures posted with permission obtained by the Cass County Sheriff's Department.

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Committed to applying effective evidence-based programming to encourage positive choices and change in our participants, improving their quality of life and our community by offering proven programs that provide effective alternatives to incarceration.


(574) 753-7706


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