Welcome to Cass Pulaski Community Corrections! We offer community-based programs for offenders in our criminal justice system and offenders transitioning from the Indiana Department of Corrections to our community. We are committed to applying effective evidence-based programming to encourage positive choices and change in our participants, improving their quality of life and our community.

In collaboration with Pretrial Services and our Local JRAC Council we have begun collecting data and measuring the below performance metrics. CPCC believes continually monitoring our data and metrics is an essential part of evidence-based practices and a measure of ensuring public and community safety. We are proud to introduce a new data-dashboard where the community and stakeholders can find real-time program metrics and measures. For more information and data click here to view our past reports.
Safety Rate: the percentage of defendants who do not commit a new offense while under supervision
Completion Rate: the percentage of clients who remain under supervision until the end of their sentence.
Violation Rate: the percentage of defendants who received a violation pending violations are NOT included in calculations
Drug Screen Positivity Rate: the percentage of drug screens administered that return a positive result
At Cass/Pulaski Community Corrections, both our work release residents and electronic monitoring clients are required to maintain employment while participating in the program. Below is a listing of local job openings and employment opportunities. If you are a local business or factory and would like your openings shared, please fill out the form below.
As a quality assurance measure, we collect anonymous electronic client satisfaction surveys via text at the end of supervision and in quarterly snapshots. Below is a sampling of feedback and client testimonials we have received.
"I became a father and have become very stable in my home life since being on in home detention. It has benefited me and my family a lot. I am grateful for this opportunity."
"Its funny how when your not living a illegal life .. how easy the program is. For a year I was on home detention and it never bothered me one bit. My case manager was helpful, compassionate and really understanding through my entire detention. Thank you for helping me and even just listening when i needed you! I wont see you thru your side again but i will always check in to let u know I'm living my best life!"
"I want to thank everyone that is at CPCC for everything this program has helped me get my life back together I have a job that pays me good and my family back together and that is the most important part that I have my family thank you for giving me this opportunity and helping me succeed."
"This has been a meaningful and memorable experience that has changed me."
At Cass Pulaski Community Corrections we believe in the value of community and want to promote and share local addiction and recovery events and resources with our clients and the community. If you have an upcoming event you would like featured please give us a call or send us a message.